January 17, 2013

Agatha's A List

OK, I’m female (we’ve established that), breathing, and my hormone levels are well within normal parameters. It certainly doesn’t surprise me that my A list is exclusively male. I have actresses I like and admire but I can’t say I go to a film, turn on a show, search Netflix, or pick up a DVD to see them. I don’t. I applaud and am glad to see them but the guys . . . oh, yes! Sorry . . . my bad. Now to put them into some kind of order:
 Peter Wingfield:
Peter has to come first. After all, I am an official fan since I joined the Peter Wingfield Fan Club. Peter deserves and will get a separate posting in the very near future. It’s currently a work in progress. So, fellow Wingers, be patient and trust me. Our favorite guy will not be shorted. ‘Nuff said. ,
            A favorite Peter quote: “. . . how bizarre is that. The opposite side of the world people have my face on a tee shirt.”

Peter, I don't find that bizarre at all. I see it and it makes me smile.

George Clooney:
George I’ve been following since the final year of ER He is unique on my list for one reason: he’s the only one I ever wrote and designed a web page for. Yes, an amateur, multi-paged astrological chart I had a fun time doing and, to my amazement, it was actually well-recieved. It’s no longer on the Internet but I still have the written portions. I re-read them recently and had to smile. It still fits! I rarely write fan letters but I couldn’t help writing George and his father, Nick Clooney, to tell them about it. And, like Peter above, I like George for more than his on-screen persona. I have one bone to pick with George. He has not reproduced! It’s a bloody waste of darn good DNA. A favorite quote from George? Egads! Too much of a challenge for this woman.

Sam Neill:
Sam comes up third on the list because I did subscribe to a mailing list to keep up with my favorite Kiwi. Major fun! As a fan I do appreciate it when the person participates along with their fans. I like mutual engagement! Sam has never disappointed me. Even in that oft criticized mini-series “Amerika”, Sam’s performance enthralled me. “Sense? Does any of this make sense?” I can still hear that line. But one of my favorite quotes;
If all I did was acting, I'd go out of my mind.


Heath Ledger:
Heath-- I do not know where to begin. I never joined a fan club; a mailing list, or did any of the usual fan things. To me, quite simply, he was one of the most talented young actors to ever come on the screen. Evilly psychotic, brooding, or with a broad, boyish grin, he caught your eye and took you to the world he was in at the moment. When the news broke of his death, I wept. I should move on and place him on another list but I simply cannot.

James Spader:
James (or should I say Jimmy?) has a penchant for quirky roles. He certainly caught me with one. Anyone remember “Sex, Lies, and Videotape”? Yea, he caught me there. It’s been fun ever since: Daniel Jackson, Alan Shore, and Mr. Grey. I like the quirkiness; I really do. My favorite Jimmy quote:
"I had real trouble, actually, for a long time, getting people to hire me. My anxiety used to manifest itself in strange ways. I'd go in to read for some innocent, vulnerable character, and the feedback would be, 'Well, we met Jimmy...and he scared us.'
That’s OK with me. I’m not scared. Not really. I want to swap recipes.

Colin Firth:.
Colin is another actor “of foreign extraction”(to quote one of Emma Thompson’s acceptance speeches) on my A list. He’s been on it since I first saw “Pride and Prejudice”, the mini-series. He certainly gets me to the movies. When he won the Oscar for “The King’s Speech” I think I stood up and cheered. My favorite Colin quote:
Actors are basically drag queens. People will tell you they act because they want to heal mankind or, you know, explore the nature of the human psyche. Yes, maybe. But basically we just want to put on a frock and dance.

Sir Sean Connery
            Sir Sean is one who makes it to many lists, age (his or any fan’s) completely irrelevant. I’ve never been a true aficionado of Bond films but I do recall a film called “Darby O’Gill and the Little People”. But, no, only when he started turning silver-headed did I truly notice. It’s a failing of mine. With the exception of Heath, I simply don’t notice an actor much until he hits 40. It just seems to be when they hit their stride. Give or take a few years.

My favorite quote comes not from Sir Sean but from his wife: Who can resist those eyebrows?

Yeah, I'm an eyebrow girl (among other things) . . .sue me. So that's a Scot, a Brit, an Aussie, a Kiwi, two Americans,  and a Welshman. I think I see a trend here.

Author: Agatha Silverdragon


  1. Gotta say great list, Peter, Sean, Heath, an Sam should be a must for most lists. All great actors, great people. Thanks for the awesome pics too :)

  2. Peter, George, Sam, Colin and Sean go on my list too. And I add Steve McQueen :-) He could act with his eyes, just like Peter does :-)

  3. Nice list of fine actors... and intelligent ones. My list includes Peter at the top - ever since Methos, James Spader, whom I first saw in "White Castle", but quickly went back to earlier work, Sam Neil ("Ivanhoe"), Sean Connery (From Russia With Love, then Darby O'Gill). My other faves include Timothy Dalton ("Lion In Winter" - god, he was gorgeous! Needs better material than he usually gets, but I've seen on stage several times.); Harrison Ford ("Star Wars"), Hugh Jackman ("X-Men"), David Tennant ( my favorite Doctor) and Nathan Fillion (Firefly).


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